EOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System, is a PROVEN business execution system (achieving average 1st year growth of 37% in entrepreneurial organisations when professionally implemented) for privately owned businesses with 10-250 employees whose founders/owners are open, honest and vulnerable enough to be more afraid of the status quo than they are of change.
EOS consists of 6 Key Components: Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process and Traction. Most businesses are not strong enough in these components and, of those that are at least proficient in the 1st five components, 50% fail due to lack of strength in the 6th, Traction, not instilling discipline and accountability.
I used the principles of EOS to go from being a non-rower to rowing unassisted across the Atlantic, 2 hours on 2 hours off for 2 months.
If you own, run or are part of a small business that is either hitting the ceiling, frustrated, struggling, not growing or, I hear you shout, ‘nothing’s bloody working!’ then come along to the stunning Escapade Clubhouse at Silverstone on Mar 24th 1000-1200 for networking, coffee/pastries, my talk and an issues solving session using one of the EOS model’s high-gain tools, IDS.
If you want to come please sign up using the link above so we have an idea of numbers.
If you can’t make it but would like to know more about EOS then I’d be happy to come to your offices to present it to you and/or send you a book on it.