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Strathcarron can help provide the opportunities for global suppliers to accelerate their business growth in the UK automotive industry. After 60 years of industry success, we have built a comprehensive network of contacts and have become a respected and credible name in the sector.

As a founding member of GAA (Global Alliance Automotive), we can connect you with every major automotive territory through our partners, therefore providing direct access to the global automotive industry.

Through GAA, we are Corporate Partners of Plug and Play, the largest innovation platform in the World. Through the partnership we lead innovative start-up companies with efficient routes to market.

We serve as your UK presence with full representation to UK customers with the aim of increasing business opportunities.

We provide the following services:
– Business development
– Project management
– Engineering support
– On-site / Quality support
– Global supplier sourcing through GAA
– Global business development through GAA
– Industry 4.0 service provider

Main Contact: Graeme Clark

Address: Silverstone Innovation Centre
NN12 8GX


Tel: (01327 368988)
